Saturday, July 2, 2011

Boo Hoo, the NFL is on strike

Today, in the check out line of the grocery store, the clerk shared that the NFL was on strike.  Apparently, (prepare to be shocked!) it's all about money.  The teams want 14 million more apiece.  That's all.  And since they aren't getting it, they are striking.  Don't you feel sorry for them?  When the clerk told me about this, I said, "whoo-hoo!!"  I couldn't give a flying flip what the NFL does. 

Apparently though I had the wrong attitude.  The man behind me in line had to barge into the conversation the clerk and I were engaged in to say that it was obvious that I wasn't a man because what I just said wasn't nice.  If I were a man, I would have more compassion.  The clerk and I both looked at him with as much disgust as we could manage and began to share with him the real facts of life.  Our youth think that these behemoths of barbarism are all that and a bag of Doritos too, yet  there are few sports heroes that have any character at all..  Let's take the Michael Vick story as an example.  He commits a crime and because he can make money for the NFL, he is given a second chance to influence youngsters.  If  you check out this page, you will find that Vick is not the only sports hero that has seen the inside of a court room. 

Of course, if these so called sports heroes showed any sympathy for education, I may feel differently about them.  Why should I feel sorry for a person who makes more money in one year than I will make in my lifetime as an educator?  Tell me.  Where are our values today?  No one complains about spending huge monies on sports paraphernalia but let public education ask for money to buy new books or more paper and see what is said about that. If the NFL wants me to care, they can start advocating for education and will begin enforcing players to show proper behavior both on the field and off.

No, I am not a man and my compassion is saved for that child who is being told that their teachers and schools are unworthy and the only way they will amount to anything is if they become a high paid sports hero. 

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