Thursday, June 30, 2011

Summer School 2011

Today is the last day of summer school.  I am exhausted but very excited over what my students have accomplished.  We had ten third graders, four fourth graders, and 3 fifth graders.  The principal requested that we make summer school fun so using the theme of the Rainforest, students researched and presented their research in a variety of ways.  I would like to share some of their projects:

This is a link to a podcast created by third graders: The Animals of the Rainforest.  This was a reader's theater found on

This is a slideshare created by fourth graders.  Students used a site called Build Your Wild Self to create a humanized character that could live in the rainforest.  We took screen shots of their creations and using Smart Board, made the faces of the characters transparent.  These images were layered over pictures of the students.  Another screen shot was taken and pasted onto a power point presentation.  Students added their own comments and we uploaded the presentation into Slideshare.

Fifth graders worked with Voicethread.  Students painted pictures and then scanned them onto the computer.  The pictures were uploaded into Voicethread and students narrated another reader's theater.

Third Graders also used Smart Board to create a book patterned after Brown Bear, Brown Bear.  Since I can't embed the actual Smart Notebook document, I exported it to a PDF document and am sharing the link.

The big project of the three weeks was our claymation video.  These are students who have never done anything like this before and so the final product is pretty infantile.  But then again, I am a process and not a product type of person so I hope you aren't looking for perfection because this is as far away from perfection as you will get. However, the students are quite pleased with themselves!

January 3, 2020

     OK, I wanted to post something since the new year started but today is probably not the right day to do so.  If you check my page en...